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Engineering Design


Design is a fundamental activity that distinguishes engineering from disciplines based on pure science or mathematics. In fact, design is the essence of engineering, an aspect of human ingenuity upon which the competitiveness depend.


Engineering design may be defined as the systematic and creative application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems.


Design criteria are performance standards to be met by the design, while, design constraints are limitations placed on the final design. For example, in the design of an electric motor, the efficiency and speed are design criteria; the budget limit for the design is the constraint. Where possible, the criteria and constraints must be easily measured by quantitative values, not by subjective values that rely on opinion.


The design skill is essentially a repetitive process of two phases: synthesis and analysis. Through the phase of synthesis, ideas or methods to solve the problem are suggested. However, the results of each idea or method and the cost are calculated through the phase of analysis. The following figure shows the steps in a typical engineering process.

Engineering design process provide a good framework for creative problem solving in various circumstances. Instructors may use the design module in conjunction with a variety of projects, like robotics competitions, science exhibitions, and so on.  The context of the design is creative problem solving plus applied math and science. In general, engineering design include the following steps:


Identify key design issues and brainstorm options

Develop a design strategy

Build and test prototype components

Assess product value to create a marketing strategy

Showcase your work



Engineering Design

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